Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Making Pie Crust

Pie is the peacemaker of the culinary world. It eases the transition from summer to fall (teaching us that peaches must give way to pears and pumpkin) and broaches the sweet and savory divide so that chicken pot pie and pecan pie happily co-exist in kitchens across the country.

Sadly, there are few endeavors as angst-producing as making pie crust. The key is to be kind when mixing, rolling, and shaping the dough. It will develop an elastic texture if overworked and end up hard as a board. In this post, I’ll share tips to help you produce an eye-catching crust.

How to Roll Pie Dough

Dust a cutting board and rolling pin with flour.

Dust flour over cutting board

Place a disc of pie dough in the center of the cutting board.

Place disc of dough on floured cutting board

Position the rolling pin in center of the disc and roll it towards the edge of the dough using even pressure.

Roll out dough from center to edge

Rotate the dough to prevent it from sticking to the board and repeat.

Rotate dough and continue to roll it

Continue until you have a circle of dough that is a 1/8 of an inch thick. 

How to Place Dough in a Pie Plate

Place the rolling pin at the edge of the dough and slowly roll the pin to wrap the dough around it.

Place rolling pin over dough

Hold the rolling pin over a pie pan. Carefully unroll the dough allowing the edges of the dough to hang over the pie pan.
Roll dough over rolling pin
Lay dough over the pie pan

Tuck the dough into the corners of the pan.

How to Embellish the Edges of Pie Dough

Fold dough under along edges

With the tips of your fingers, lift the dough that is hanging over the edge of the pan and fold it onto the lip of the pan.

To crimp the edges: Hold the index finger of one hand over the edge of the dough. Press it into the index finger and middle finger of the other hand. Repeat until you've worked all the way around the rim.

Press index finger into dough

Or, to simply decorate the edges with a fork: Gently press the folk along the edges of the dough.

Crimped edges
Press dough with a fork

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