Friday, August 16, 2013

Siddo's Cake

In June, I got a call from my nephew Siddo who lives in Seattle and was on the cusp of turning eight.

“Susie Auntie, can you make my birthday cake?”

He was scheduled to be in Illinois with the rest of the family to celebrate my parents' 50th wedding anniversary.

“Of course, Siddo. What kind of cake do you want?”

“I’d like it to be square.”

“Ok, but what flavor should it be? Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry?”


We continued to work out the details in conversations that followed.

“Susie Auntie, I know what I want on my cake. It’s something very old and something that you can use to buy things.”

A riddle. I liked the challenge.

Before I could respond, Sidd began again.

“Think about it, Susie Auntie. Do you need a clue?”

“Siddo, do you want it to have a dinosaur?”

“Yes! You’re right! Now try to guess the other thing?”

“Could it be money?”

“Yes, money!”

In the last few years, Sidd has developed a fascination with money that no one wants to claim.

With our creative juices flowing, Sidd and I discussed the possibility of frosting a sheet cake with green trimming to resemble a dollar bill and replacing Jefferson's profile with the side view of a dinosaur. But after more thought, we decided to make a cake with a giganotosaurus counting money. It would be cooler.

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