Monday, June 15, 2009

Strawberry Yogurt Parfait

An alluring shade of red.  A fruity, floral aroma. Succulent flesh. Fresh strawberries rival even the most decadent desserts. (I confess to frequenting my fridge last week just to inhale the heady scent of a pint from the farmer's market.) But unlike many nutrient bare desserts, fresh strawberries also nourish the body.  A cup of strawberries exceeds the recommended daily dose of vitamin C. In addition, the tiny seeds - which are the true fruit - provide fiber. This sinfully delicious berry also contains an infusion of antioxidants, including vitamin C, which help protect against heart disease.  So consider eating fresh strawberries this summer, in place of other desserts, to feed your soul and body.

Serves 4

  • Locally grown strawberries provide the best flavor profile.  
  • Remove the green caps AFTER washing fresh strawberries to avoid diluting their flavor.
  • The combination of strawberries and vanilla yogurt in this recipe provides a surprising amount of flavor. So if you use frozen strawberries, choose a brand with no sugar added.  

4 cups fresh or frozen strawberries 
1 cup low fat vanilla yogurt


Wash fresh strawberries and remove caps.  Slice.

Place a 2-inch layer of the sliced strawberries in four clear glasses.

Top with a 1-inch layer of yogurt.  Repeat until glasses are full.

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